Svensk Medicin AB - GMP,GDP, Medical Affairs, online courses

Confidence by Competence

- Take control of Your Career Development

Svensk Medicin AB provides courses and career development for clients in the Pharmaceutical -, BioTech and MedTech industry. We also help clients in Academia in their transition to the industry.

A highly recommended career developer

With more than 3 500 individual clients coached to new jobs, Svensk Medicin AB is a highly recommended career developer.
We focus on:

- CV optimization

- Individual training and coaching

- LinkedIn, interview training and networking

Courses or coaching designed for you or your company

Whether You need personal coaching, career development or build competences, we can provide You with all of the above. All courses have been fully booked since the start and fully monitored and evaluated. All courses also provide You with certificates.

Professional lecturers

Our lecturers have a minimum of twenty years' experience in top positions in the industry. All the lecturers have extensive knowledge and documented success in their field of expertise - which makes them a valuable asset in training other professionals.

Courses Fall 2024

October 03

December 12

Regulatory Affairs + GDP 1,5 days

(Certificate provided)

Comprehensive training on relevant regulations and guidelines to fully understand the requirements in submitting new MAs for Human Medicinal Products in Europe. The course will include how to maintain the life cycle management through submitting relevant variations and line extensions, and how to maintain the safety in pre- and post-approval phases, as well as understanding the complexity of working in a matrix organization.

Comprehensive training on all chapters in the EU-GDP legislation and the practical applications of those, leading to understanding how to gain and maintain a Wholesaler license.

October 01 December 10

GMP Good Manufacturing Practice 1 day

(Certificate provided)

The GMP training course will provide an introduction and basic training with an overview of the pharmaceutical industry cGMP standards. The course will give a solid understanding of how GMP applies to the validation of medical products, focusing on R&D, production, regulations, guidelines, interpretations, requirements and applications.

On request

GDP - Advanced 1 day

(Certificate provided)

Extended course in GDP.

October 08-09

December 17-18

Medical Affairs 2 days

(Certificate provided)

Course in Evidenced Based Marketing within the Pharma-, MedTech- and Biotech industry. Topics includes; Essentials in Health Economy, Swedish Health Authorities and their role(s), Compliance and Ethics, KOL-Development, Market Access and Lifecycle Management. The course also will include – Critical Reviewing of Scientific Articles and Creating a Medical Strategic Plan.

October 24

Medical Writing 1 day

(Certificate provided)

This training introduces you to what it takes to create regulatory documents and the skills to succeed in the field. It gives you an overview from a regulatory perspective.

What you’ll learn

  • The role and need of a medical writer
  • The skills of a succesful medical writer
  • Strategies to craft effective messaging
  • Strategies to improve document quality

October 22

GCP -Good Clinical Practice 1 day

(Certificate provided)

This comprehensive 6-hour course provided in-depth knowledge of Good Clinical Practice (GCP) principles, ensuring thorough understanding and adherence to the ethical and scientific quality standards for designing, conducting, recording, and reporting trials involving human subjects. The course covered fundamental topics like the history and importance of GCP, roles and responsibilities of clinical trial stakeholders, informed consent procedures, trial design, data management, and safety reporting. Attendees were also introduced to regulatory guidelines, quality assurance processes, and the effective utilization of the latest tools and technologies in clinical trials. The course equipped attendees with the skills necessary to maintain the rights, safety, and well-being of trial subjects, ensure data integrity, and navigate the complex regulatory environment of clinical trials, thereby making a significant contribution to the conduct of high-quality, ethical clinical research.

October 11

Pharmacovigilance 1 day

(Certificate provided)

This course will provide an introduction to the essential principles and practices of pharmacovigilance, the science and activities related to the detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects or any other drug-related problems. Furthermore, the course will give a comprehensive understanding of drug safety, including regulatory guidelines and industry practices. Topics covered include the history of pharmacovigilance, adverse event reporting, overview of risk management, signal detection and benefit-risk assessment, as well as the latest technologies and tools used in pharmacovigilance. In summary the course will give a solid foundation in the field of pharmacovigilance, ensuring to contribute to the safety of drugs in the market.

October 17

Regulatory Affairs - Advanced  1 day

(Certificate provided)

Extended course in Regulatory Affairs.

Advanced Regulatory Affairs (RA) and Pharmaceutical development                                                              

This advanced course is a comprehensive extension of the RA essentials course and is relevant for those who need further insights in Pharmaceutical Development. This course will show how RA applies from early drug discovery and preclinical trials - to -  market authorization (MA) applications, approvals (launch) and  optimizing the important life cycle management. From a regulatory affairs perspective the course will not only indicate strategic preparations before launch but also key strategies during launch and after patent has expired.


The aim of the course is to give the delegates professional reputation building, career and product success enhancement through proper understanding of advanced Regulatory Affairs and related concepts.


The delegates will have a test after the course and then receive a certificate in Advanced Regulatory Affairs.

Dates may change, if so and You are attending we will contact You

“ Du är den bästa jobbcoachen jag någonsin haft

"Many thanks to Svensk Medicin AB and most of all Niclas Lindqvist for another outstanding course. It was a pleasure once more to share knowledge and ideas, discuss and interact with such a great bunch of people :-)"

"I was expecting a more cliché approach to the subject and was pleasantly surprised. Your inside view and tips were very helpful and changed my perspective when looking and thinking about my professional profile. ( and made me realize how boring is my CV)"

Dig glömmer man ALDRIG 😊 Tack för all hjälp, pepp och uppmuntran. Kommer uppdatera dig om mitt jobb lite då och då."

"Du är fan grymt bra kontakt att ha!"

"All your strong motivation and guidance will stay with me forever and you will be a mentor for me always."

"I want to thank you for all you have done for me. Your coaching has gone beyond what a professional could do and I felt mentored, supported and motivated through all the steps. "

"Stort tack för en väldigt bra kurs i Medical Affairs! Bra introduktion av begrepp/terminologi och en god översikt över interaktionen mellan  läkemedelsföretag, sjukvårdssystemet och myndigheter. Jag är övertygad om att jag kommer ha mycket nytta av denna kunskap framöver! "

"Do you remember a young lad that turned to you for help in his job search in July? Well, this guy has now officially signed a contract with Vattenfall and started working already. That's me by the way:) The funny thing is that this was my first application after fixing my CV according to you Black Belt guidelines! It does work! A big-big Thank You for all the motivation and support! You've made my unemployment a true joyride :) So, any time for a chill beer?"

"Thank you Niclas and Ingela for a great course. I have learned a lot of useful things about regulatory affairs and GDP. Looking forward to the next course!"

"What an amazing discussion (exposure to the interview world) that I have with you today! I learned a lot and it boosts my confidence immensely! Thank you so much! "

"I'm very grateful for your coaching! But I have to say it got me a little too many job offers (3!!) and it was difficult to decide. Haha 🙂 Thank you so much for everything."

"Det var omöjligt att missa din entusiasm och passion för ditt yrke och jag är övertygad om att du inte bara är en inspiration för mig, men också för alla andra du coachade och coachar."

"Tack för ännu ett väldigt bra seminarium (Svart bälte). Det var litegrann en klippa i stormen. Du fortsätter att inspirera. Tack för det."

"Well, you must be magic

Tack för hjälpen och peppen som du bidragit med - det betydde mycket! Nu går jag omkring som en evangelist och lovordar dig till alla jag känner som ska ta steget ut :)"

"Glad to share my certification in GMP offered by Svensk Medicin AB. Thanks to Niclas Lindqvist and Roberto Gatti for a fantastic course."

"Jag vill tacka dig för all inspiration och motivation under mitt "jobbsökar-år”, bara dina ord (tillsammans med min tjurskallighet) har fått mig att fortsätta i MSL jakten och inte ge upp! - Nu vill jag berätta om att jag äntligen har landat en MSL tjänst inom mitt terapiområde och fått kontraktet skickat till mig!"

"This course proved a great help to me during my transition from Academia to industry. Niclas Lindqvist provided an excellent overview of the possibilities and opptortunities within the industry, which ultimately helped me set my sights upon and begin an exciting new career."